College Tuition Goes Digital


College payments are looking just a tad different over in Cyprus. The University of Nicosia (a.k.a. the nation’s largest college) is the first school anywhere to accept the cryptocurrency Bitcoin as tuition payment. Not content to let their cutting-edge-ness end there, the university is even offering a master’s degree in Bitcoin. Yep, the future has definitely arrived—at least in Cyprus. 

The peer-to-peer transactions that the Bitcoin is built on can be made around the world with little-to-no processing fees. So the school is hoping that their new payment option will help international students—especially those who attend virtually from developing nations. Read more to learn how the university’s forward-thinking leaders are anticipating that digital currency can help spread financial services to bank-free areas around the globe. Then be sure to keep that in mind when you’re explaining to students that they may eventually be preparing for jobs that don’t exist quite yet…

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