Decisions, Decisions...

We live in an age of massive multitasking. Inputs take on so many forms these days. We have conversations, read emails, get instant messages, look at Instagram posts, scan tweets, and take meetings. And that’s all before noon. With so much going on, it’s a wonder we know how to make the right decision about anything. Since we are human, we’re bound to make mistakes. The key is not only learning from our own mistakes, but also learning from the mistakes of others so we’re not doomed to repeat them. Equally important is learning how to not fret about mistakes we made and move on. Wouldn’t it be great though to have some insight into the brain so we can at least understand how we make decisions in the first place?

In this blog by lifelong educator W.R. Klemm, two prevailing theories about how decisions happen in our brain are presented. Both theories offer some clear neurological explanation as to how our brain guides us to make a decision. In either case, an unfocused brain will repeatedly make bad decisions. Bottom line? It’s vital to your success and the success of your TXGU kids that they practice focusing on cutting through the noise and concentrating on the task at hand. As Klemm explains, the working memory can only store so much information at once. Overload that working memory and you may find yourself reaching for glasses when you already have your contact lenses in. So focus that brain a little, and you'll see things much more clearly. 

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