Dueling Credits

For many teens across Texas, getting college credit before graduation is becoming an increasingly popular and viable option. Where it's available, students can make a choice between taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses or dual credit courses. And due to the high price tag that comes with implementing AP courses, many schools aren't able to offer the advanced program to their students. But in an attempt to level the playing field for lower-income students, dual credit classes have been a great option for getting college credit. Although both systems earn college credit, can it be said that dual credit and AP equally prepare TXGU’ers for college?

With the increase of students registered for dual credit courses, ensuring the classes are up to a high academic standard is important. Especially since many of those who take dual credit go on to enroll in college. Unfortunately, due to little regulation and oversight, there's no guarantee the dual credit courses offered are actually helping students prepare for life as a college student. On the other hand, the format of AP classes can often become problematic, as a low exam score invalidates any chance at college credit, regardless of success in the classroom. A tough blow for anyone to have to bounce back from. And even though UT Austin admissions officials have claimed that they don't consider one method of credit acquisition more valid than the other, a majority of freshmen accepted come in with AP credit instead of dual credits. So while each system has its fair share of problems, both seem to increase the likelihood of attending—and graduating from—college. With this in mind, dual credit may serve as a crucial equalizing force to get more students to college when AP isn't an option. 

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