Face-to-Face Facts

You know, even with all of this decade's new-fangled technology, not a whole lot has changed over the last couple of generations. Sure, interviews may be conducted via Skype now, working remotely is a legit thing, and pictures of less-than-informed teenage decisions might go viral around the world instead of just around the family-reunion table...okay, okay, so maybe things have changed a little. But even in the face of online applications and the collective all-knowing, never-forgetting Internet-mind, a good deal of business relations is still the same as it ever was (in the best of ways). 

NeoMam Studios and CT Business Travel put together an infographic concerning how deals are sealed and business goals are met—and all signs point to yes, face-to-face interpersonal happenings are still a part of employment everywhere. Scroll on through and rest assured that in the professional world, getting i's dotted means getting eye contact, as well. You'll probably want to let your TXGU'ers know to be prepared for it (especially the future techies and not-so-starving studio artists). Maybe your next school fair should feature a handshake booth for practice...


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