Graduation Planning, Anew


Say goodbye to the formerly ubiquitous graduation-plan words like “minimum,” “recommended,” and “advanced.” The latest buzzword is “endorsements.” We’re sure you’re very in the know about the newly-passed House Bill 5, which introduces the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) graduation plan—but what does that actually mean for your TXGU students and the future of college and career readiness in Texas? (So glad you asked...)

Conveniently, this Star-Telegram article has some great, easy-to-process insight on FAQs and must-knows for you, parents, and teachers for next year’s class of kiddos. Take a look, and then become the resident FHSP expert, if you feel particularly inspired. (Thanks, Everman ISD!) Also, it’s probably wise to start sampling resources that help students gauge interests and explore potential careers, since they’ll be asked to pursue a career intentionally beginning in 8th grade. (We just happen to have some help for that right here, of course.) It feels pretty fantastic to be ahead of the curve, doesn’t it?
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