Hands-On Learning for the Win!


As you well know, the STEM push is continuing full steam ahead. Grants have been awarded to these efforts in order to discover creative ways to get students excited about some of their more techy classes. One camp in Alabama, for example, is giving middle-school students the opportunity to participate in hands-on activities that not only spark their interest for STEM subjects, but also put them ahead of the game when they enter school this year. (Yep, very TXGU-ish stuff!)

The most popular reaction to this camp? “Why can’t school be more like this?” The key, apparently, is all the hands-on fun students were having. Allowing them the opportunity to see STEM in action was giving them a better sense of why it’d actually be very cool to go into a STEM field. Take a look at some of the good times that were had at the camp—and a few of the student’s comments. We have a feeling that camps like these are going to produce some pretty impressive scientists and engineers.

Image via Alabama Media Group

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