Blended learning is a term that has been bandied about quite a bit over the past few years, and so far a lot has been said about how the student can benefit a great deal from this model. But what’s in it for educators? According to this Edmodo article, nothing but pure teaching satisfaction. Technology certainly enables educators to push instruction online and allows you to focus on more meaningful interaction with students. And yep, that's definitely a wonderful development.
Just as exciting, though, is a new frontier of connectivity to other educators and peers across the globe. This quite simply means that the job of educator is evolving to a much more satisfying profession. You're no longer limited to the walls of your school when it's time to shine. All the tropes that are associated with a rewarding career (recognition, advancement, growth development, and so on) are now within the grasp of educators—thanks to the magic of technology. Check out the article, and see how blended learning can empower you to fall in love with your job all over again.