Straight Stressin'


Can you remember being a teenager and all of the big decisions you had to make all at once about who you are and what you want your future to look like? We can probably all agree that it’s a tough time. Between performance-based indicators and other future-oriented choices to be made by your TXGU students, it’s understandable that they might be feeling the pressure. But what affects does this have on them and to what degree are they able to manage this stress?

This survey by the American Psychological Association, as reported by USA Today, shows trends in teen and adult stress and the details of how it impacts their day-to-day. It’s no surprise that responders said they spend a lot of time unwinding in front of a screen in the midst of stress—whether that’s a computer, TV, or a hand held device. (Sound familiar?) The results also support summer vacations and how important they are to a teen’s mental health. (We can all appreciate that one.)

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