Team Teaching Ignites College Readiness


All teachers are well aware of the age-old dilemma—how to give quality instruction to a large class of students when it’s just one dedicated-but-overtaxed adult at the helm. We recognize that it’s certainly not easy, and we bow down to all teachers’ amazing efforts to get students prepared to succeed in not only their classrooms and schools, but in college and beyond.

If budgets allowed, we’re sure they’d love more help—more teachers and assistants to work with classes in smaller groups, to better establish trust and deliver targeted feedback that students could immediately use to improve their learning. Well, that describes the practical philosophy developed by Blue Engine to aid New York City public schools. It’s fascinating, powerful stuff, and with a lot of determination (and funding), it or something like it could find its way into your schools. This New York Times blog will tell you all about it…

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