Why Say It When You Can Tweet It?


Your odds of bumping into a unicorn in the produce section of your local grocery store are likely higher than your odds of finding a teenager who doesn’t use some form of social networking. It’s shaped the way they interact with others—not to mention how they think and how they approach life in general. But instead of fighting that every day between the first and last school bells, what if social media were incorporated directly into student engagement and college-readiness efforts (both in and out of the classroom)?

There are very real benefits for multiple audiences (students, parents, and educators alike) when putting social media to work in school—from enhancing the feeling of community in a classroom to increasing communication between parent and school. Exploring the infographic above will uncover a detailed list of the potential successes for going social in schools. The graphic also breaks down the real numbers associated with teens, education, and social networking to put things into real perspective. 

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