Work It, Millennials


Rumor has it that by the year 2020, 50% of positions in companies will be filled by excited, idea-oriented millennials. As of now, polls indicate that 70% of the workforce in general is feeling not-so-connected to the work they do and are simply going through the motions. In true millennial fashion, these things are destined to change upon their arrival. 

Read more about what it is that this generation is looking for as they enter the real world. Unsurprisingly, some things never change and adequate pay, mentorship opportunities, and flexibility are on their list, just as they would be on the lists of generations before them.

So how can we not only encourage the innovative, energetic spirit that companies are looking for in this group of go-getters, but also prepare them for the realities that come with being a professional? It’s quite a balancing act, but we think you’re up for the task. 

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