Oscar Wilde once said, “A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life.” There's no better example of that than the T.I.E.S. (Together In Education for Success) Conference held by Region One ESC GEAR UP: Ready, Set, College! Each year boys and their fathers (or mentors) come together for a day of STEM-based interactive demonstrations, college-campus tours, a ballgame, and a hands-on lesson on lacing up a necktie. The idea is that, as Wilde suggests, wearing a tie just makes you feel prepared for anything life might throw at you. In addition to getting TXGU'ers looking pretty snappy, the T.I.E.S. Conference provides a unique setting where dads can get a firsthand look at what kind of future is possible for their sons.
The newest video in our "Texas GEAR UP In Action" series offers up an inside look at the guiding spirit behind T.I.E.S and why programs like this are vital to the success of ALL TXGU students. Region One ESC GEAR UP responded to the need for more young men in college. Getting buy-in from their father (or mentor) gives the experience much more impact and one they'll never forget. Head to the Toolbox page for even more insight into how a simple piece of cloth can strengthen the bond between father, son, and the future.