Launching Lessons

If there's anything that sounds like a horrifying alarm bell to students more than all other phrases combined (except maybe "No outlets available"), it's "summer school." Aversion to the concept runs so deep that even you veteran educators out there might have had a little reflexive twinge at the matter how advantageous it's proved to be. But in Ysleta, the UTEP Proyecto M.A.S. team combined their forces with Algebra II and physics teachers in order to create a GEAR UP summer camp that was really for the birds—and we mean that in the most positive way. 

It's not exactly news that hands-on projects increase creativity and engagement with students' lessons, although it might not have occurred to everyone that there are parallels between mega-popular phone app (and kids' show and snack line and toy franchise...) Angry Birds and upper-level science and math. But naturally, TXGU educator initiative was exactly what the iPhone ordered as far as putting on a course to combine the three to students' great entertainment and educational benefit. Nothing that involves a handmade catapult, balloon zipline, or water-powered rocket can end in not helping a lesson to sink in, we say. And you don't even need to take our word for it, because the camp just happens to be the subject of the latest "Texas GEAR UP in Action" video. 

If you're still chirping for more info, flap on over to the Toolbox for some extra resources and grant insight. This program was a real feather in the Proyecto M.A.S. team's cap!

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