Something for Your Toolbox


Can you think way back to when you were making the big choices about which colleges to spend your time applying to? It takes so much energy (not to mention all those application fees) that working smart and having targeted direction is critical to tackling the process efficiently. As you look ahead with your TXGU students, how great would it be if you had a super-handy tool that spit out facts and assisted you in evaluating the cost of return based on tuition, alumni salaries, location, majors and several other factors? Lucky for you, this totally exists.

snap of ROI report2.png

Thanks to this 2014 PayScale College ROI Report, all you have to do is plug in information by checking the appropriate boxes, and lists of universities/colleges are generated in ranked order. Clicking on the school link then gives you tons of additional information, including the average salary of graduates and the academic profile of attendees. That way, you can not only help your students create and accomplish clear goals that get them into their dream college, but you can also come up with an educated financial-aid plan based on their predicted salary when they graduate. Pretty nice little tool to use as you support those TXGU kids, huh? We think so, too.

Of course, if you’ve got some students still stuck on first figuring out what they want to do with the rest of their lives, you might want to send them over to the Discover Your career finder right here on this very site. (We’re all about convenience around here…)

Image from the 2014 PayScale College ROI Report
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