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Whether you’re planning a party, redecorating a room, or finding a delicious new recipe, you can almost always guarantee that Pinterest has everything you need. (And some distractingly-awesome extra stuff—always!) A communal filing system of great ideas is a nice resource for anyone to have. A bunch of undergraduate Duke University students recognized this, and in a 48-hour challenge, they came up with an innovative way to improve science, technology, engineering and math education. Their award-winning idea: STEM Pals.

To put it simply, it’s Pinterest for math and science. It takes “lessons in a box” kit materials and not only provides resources to teachers on a Pinterest-like platform, but also networks schools and communities in the U.S. with others in India. With their prize money, they’re given the cool opportunity to launch this idea into real life. Pretty great, huh? Keep them in mind the next time you’re browsing Pinterest and see what sort of great ideas you can find to support YOUR students. (And maybe even enjoy a little well-earned weekend crafting or vacation-planning while you’re at it.)

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