Scholarship Scoring Made Easy


Free money is something everyone wants their hands on. (There’s a reason gift-card-enabled shopping is the best kind of shopping, right?) As great as we can all agree free money is in general, for most students looking to earn a college degree, it’s almost a necessity. Keeping this in mind, The Today Show published an article that gives great tips and tricks for how to be ahead of the scholarship game.

As a TXGU student’s biggest advocate, some of the ideas offered up are things you can certainly help with. Take those dreaded essay-question-driven scholarship applications, for instance. Sometimes writing the answer interrupts the flow of thought, thus the process takes forever. Here’s where you come in. Have the student answer the question out loud while you record it. The two of you can work together to take the recording and transcribe it into a pretty great essay response. And the best part? Once you’ve done it once or twice, you can use the same information for the stack of 98 other scholarship applications. Before you know it, you’ve helped your student become a contender for tons of free money. You’re the best. Now go get ‘em, team!

Image courtesy of The Today Show

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