Back to the Future


Twenty years ago, it was 1994. Phones didn’t fit in pockets, and you had to interact with a cashier to purchase items at a grocery store every time. The movie You’ve Got Mail was still four years away from being released, and the online phenomenon was in its earliest stages for the general public. Seriously, guys. This was a web browser:

enhanced-buzz-26253-1389181538-10.jpgImage:  Buzzfeed

Twenty years from now, it will be 2034. In realizing how far we’ve come in the last 20 years, one can’t help but imagine what’s possible for the future of our civilization, country, economy, and the foundation of it all—the job market.

As you help prepare this generation of students for adult life, it could be pretty useful to be very aware of the direction jobs are heading. This Mashable guide to the job market of the future presents some valuable tips to consider (be more creative than the computers!) and skills critical to ensuring career success for all humans (leadership can’t be digitized!) in a future that may be largely dependent on algorithms. Don’t worry—we won’t be completely replaced by robots. Right?

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