The Culture of College


Can you remember a moment when you were a student and a teacher told you that you were really good at something? Maybe they told you that you were a great writer or colored in the lines well. As you got older, maybe you had a teacher or mentor who was there for you and made you feel like you were going to accomplish something amazing. The best part? You actually believed them and wanted to because they became the teacher you’d never want to disappoint. In Kalamazoo, Michigan, they’re taking this theory of setting expectations of success and matching it with unbelievable access to financial aid to create a true college-going community.

Thanks to anonymous donors back in 2005, the city is able to basically fully fund the education of every public school graduate who attends a public university or community college in Michigan. The undertaking has not only provided incredible opportunity and choices to students once less likely to graduate, but it’s changed everything about the community’s conversations and educational system. The expectation of college now starts in kindergarten.

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With the resources available to assist these students later in life, it has become the core of Kalamazoo’s culture—a college-going culture. Not only are there fewer excuses or obstacles, but students that may have settled or dreamt timidly are now able to pursue higher-paying jobs and graduate college with little-to-no debt. And regardless of the future, the “Promise” has them working harder and rising to the occasion. Listen to more on NPR about how Kalamazoo is supporting their students. You obviously might not be able to fund all of their education (although how great would THAT be?), but how can your conversations with TXGU students instill (like crazy) the culture of college expectancy and success? Maybe all it takes is speaking it into life.

Images Courtesy of Kalamazoo Public Schools

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