TED Talks for Days


There’s nothing better than listening to a passionate educator share their stories. (There’s a reason we always cry during movies like Freedom Writers and Dangerous Minds.) When an adult commits to being a champion of a kid that needs one, it’s life-changing for both parties. Rita Pierson’s TED Talk will make you laugh and cry and remind you why you do what you do. She’s an incredible educator who shares anecdotes of her successes and failures, and (most importantly) the special ways she built relationships with students.

Feeling inspired already? There’s tons more where that came from. Teach Thought has put together a list of 50 TED Talks all about education. Whether you need some tips on teaching math with computers or insight into the mind of those students you serve, there’s a TED talk for you. If TED were a person, we’d buy him a steak dinner.

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