Ahead of the Game


We don’t mean to bum you out, but the American Association of Community Colleges reports that “less than half of students who enter community college hoping to earn a degree or certificate do so, transfer to a four-year institution, or remain enrolled six years later.” It’s not new news—but it is a hot topic, and in an annual association meeting recently, discussions surrounded the pressure that community colleges face in preparing the 13 million students enrolled nationwide for high-demand jobs. There’s no doubt that it’s a ton of pressure, and according to the statistics, there is some work still to be done.


The bright side, however, is the encouraging conversations and partnerships developing to solve this problem. One solution proposed is aggressive commitments to partnerships among community colleges and local public schools to align curricula that get students ahead before they’re behind. They’re also seeking resources locally and nationally for the utilization of technology that accurately and vigorously tests subject-area mastering in order to allow students the credits they’re already qualified for—and to free up the ability to focus on students needing the most support. It’s a great, big, exciting team effort!

Take time to read more about community colleges’ plans to reach their goals by 2020. How can you support this initiative with the TXGU students you serve?

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