Urban Colleges of the Future


There is conversation in education right now surrounding a new train of thought called “education-civic-business ecosystem.” (Quite the mouthful, huh?) The idea, however, is kind of simple. Think of a college as an awesome outdoor shopping mall. (Bear with us.)

The new idea basically takes urban areas and the development taking place in them and creates a new style of education. Imagine a college institution being directly attached to a medical center or a Fortune 500 company. It’s essentially providing readily-available internships and allowing these students to collaborate regularly with professionals in their area of study while they learn. Another big potential plus: A community in Nashville has also made it incredibly eco-friendly. Their version is called oneC1TY, and it’s a ridiculously cool space for industries to connect with education, research and development in an interactive setting. The result is basically a gigantic, thriving learning community. Fun for everyone!


So, what do you think? Is this idea just visionary, or is it the future of higher education?

Images via oneC1TY

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