All Aboard the Entrepreneur-Ship


NationSwell is offering up a rather cool series that highlights programs doing amazing stuff with students and for students. We told you about Year Up a few weeks back, and now: BUILD. The premise of this endeavor is empowering students with the creativity and opportunity to pursue the launching and management of small businesses. Not only is it keeping sometimes-disengaged students interested in school, but now they also have incredible experiences to move forward with—and brag about on their college applications, of course.

See more about what BUILD is up to, and be thinking of ways to inspire your TXGU students towards college and career success through the idea of entrepreneurship. Another perk about the video? Towards the end there’s some pretty amazing advice about what to do when you feel exhausted in the midst of all those professional demands as an educator. (And who doesn’t welcome some good advice on that front?)

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