Building Your Kids' Clout

Getting into college is quite possibly one of the most competitive events in our TXGU kids’ lives. Not only are they vying for a spot at the college of their choice, but the schools are also competing with other institutions to build the type of student body they’d like to see on their campus. As you know, there's an increasing emphasis on admitting students who bring more to the table than just good grades and test scores. This Huffington Post article explains why. Essentially, schools are counting on enterprising students to better the school itself. The more dynamic the student body, the more the campus changes into a place where other students would want to go.

Additionally, schools are looking at the long play here. They want to build classes of kids who stick around, graduate, and go on to become active members of their alumni association. Now this doesn’t mean we need to tell TXGU’ers to get involved in every single extracurricular or volunteer activity. In reality, admissions offices want to see a sustained involvement in community efforts, school programs, and hobbies. By combining good grades with a solid history of personal development, we can assure our young graduates that their application will stand out from the pack.

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