Tune in for Success

Since it first came online, YouTube has been changing the game when it comes to producing, sharing, and watching video. If you can think of a topic, there are probably a host of videos that cover it. So is there any place for this treasure trove of media in the classroom? According to this Edudemic article, the answer is “absolutely.” Of course, the idea here is to use video as a tool and not as a screen to stare at for an entire class period. The article offers up some great advice on how to manage this powerful resource to achieve the best results.

Video should be used to inject some fun and context into your existing lesson plan. Curating a channel for your class is also a fantastic way to make it easier for you and your TXGU’ers to navigate. You can even use it as a means of creating assignments or recording class lectures for reference later on. The advent of web-based video has also spawned other academically-focused content for you to roll into your instruction. As you can certainly see, you’ve got a ton of options to effectively integrate media into your classroom. And the best part about it? You’re in complete control of the remote.

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