Freshmen Helping Freshmen


The idea of mentoring obviously isn’t a new thing. Younger students have always benefited from additional positive influences in their lives. But how does this translate successfully into increased graduation rates AND allow for more significant connections with higher education?

Project Activate is a student-run program in Austin that’s pairing college freshmen with low-income high school freshmen. The goal is not only for the college student to be a reliable source of stability in the high school student’s life, but also to provide ongoing academic support. The reason this program involves freshmen specifically is to ensure that the road to college starts early and that these at-risk students are able to maintain a certain level of academic success consistently from the get-go. Another big plus: These college students are VERY relatable and can inspire high school students with living proof of all they can accomplish and look forward to with hard work.


And four years later? There’ll be a double graduation worthy of major celebrations…

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