Just when you started to get used to technology like PowerPoint, smart boards, and tablets in the classroom, a whole new level of tech is about to make its presence known. Wearable technology is coming, and it's pretty darn cool. As a whole, wearable tech has come a long, long way since that waterproof Walkman you used to play that Duran Duran cassette over and over. Imagine a world where you could feel like you’re actually at a Duran Duran concert. Or wear a shirt that updates with upcoming tour dates. That world is here, and it’ll soon be in your classroom.
Advances in the world of wearable tech are making it possible to strap on some goggles to take an immersive tour of a historical event or setting. Touch-sensitive devices are being used to engage (and re-engage) students like never before. Smart textiles are weaving together thread and circuitry to make clothing that almost has a mind of its own. Bottom line? Wearable technology gives educators an exciting way to use the advances of today to build a brighter tomorrow. We know we certainly can't wait to see what happens...