It’s no secret that STEM initiatives across the country are helping fuel a brighter and more promising future. However, there is a diversity issue that classrooms and employers are struggling with. Simply put, there's a need for more young women in STEM education programs so that they wind up being employed in more STEM-based careers (a.k.a. the big-picture goal).
As experts are eager to point out, there's plenty of data to suggest that young women perform and test well in STEM-based education. If girls are exposed to STEM-based fields early in their development, they're more likely to pursue and excel in those fields later on. This isn't just change for change's sake. There are social issues that would be addressed with more STEM diversity, for sure. But as the article explains, the economic well-being of our global economy depends on more women in STEM fields. If ever there was a time to rally for girl power...