SAT Scores, Forever


There’s certainly no need to add pressure to your students when it comes to the importance of the SAT—but maybe continue to strongly encourage them to do their very, very best. According to The Wall Street Journal, some employers are actually asking adult jobseekers (with years of real-life work experience under their belts) about their SAT and ACT scores. Why would anyone care about a test you took when you were 17, you ask? (Excellent question.) Because there is SOME evidence connecting high SAT scores with employee success. The good news, however, is that there are also companies that aren’t interested at all.

Take Google, for example. Instead of relying on standardized methods of predicting job performance, they rely on creative interview questions to probe how the candidate has solved complex problems in the past. The point of all this? You never know. What impresses one hiring manager could be totally uncool to another. The WSJ article provides some pretty helpful insight into the minds of CEOs and directors of staffing when it comes to opinions about old information. Use it to support your students for the “just-in-cases” of the future.
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