Shielding Students' Spirits

It's no secret that over here at TXGU HQ, we're all fans of adopting a growth mindset. That's because the benefits of having an open and growing mindset (increased self-confidence, less stress, improved relationships...) are so great, they're kind of hard to ignore. And just recently, another advantage was added to the list: having a growth mindset can help protect students from some of the negative effects poverty can pose.

Even though economically disadvantaged students tend to have a closed mindset, a recent study in Chile showed that those students who were able to embrace a growth mindset often performed just as well as their more affluent peers. And while this might seem pretty obvious to us as educators, science is just now starting to support this idea on a large scale. So while it might be a while before we see students signing up for mindset courses, we can certainly support their success by implementing a few strategies starting today.   

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