Staying on Target

You do an incredible job of getting your TXGU kids to focus on getting into college. But how can we instill in them a passion for excellence that continues through college and beyond? For many students, college offers a level of freedom they’ve never experienced. This can be both good and bad. On one hand, it’s a fantastic time for them to make their own schedule, maybe get a job, and experience the world on their terms. On the other hand, they may find the flexibility too easy to abuse and lose sight of why they're there in the first place.

In this post from The Chronicle of Higher Education, one educator shares his story about taking a class in college that made such a huge impression on him that he found himself naturally overachieving throughout the rest of his life. Later on as an educator, he came across a student who had lost his alacrity for college and was simply going through the motions. This student didn’t understand that college is only a setting in which to achieve greatness. Any desire to do more would have to be self-generated. Gone are the teachers, counselors, and parents to push him to do his best. Obviously, it’s important to let TXGU’ers know that getting into college is only the first step. In order to have the life they want, they must find a way to keep that fire stoked.

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