Where’s All This Going?

Keeping pace with technology trends can feel like trying to pool mercury with your hands—that is to say, impossible. Every day there seems to be a new wearable, phablet, 3D printer, or software that's going to change the world. But what does all this innovation mean for your classroom? For a glimpse into the future of educational technology, chew over this article looking at 5 trends that will be coming soon to a school near you. These trends focus less on how to implement the latest and greatest gadget and more on how the act of learning will transform in this constantly evolving digital world.

With so much emphasis being placed on preparing our kids for the real world, concepts like project-based learning and global collaboration have sparked some serious examination of traditional educational models. The role of the teacher may move to that of a mentor providing guidance via digital connectivity and less time at the chalkboard. Of course, this is all great in theory, but how this actually gets implemented is still a work in progress. In this brave new world, change appears to be the only constant. Staying up to date ensures that you and your TXGU students are ready to welcome the future with open arms.

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