The Creative Class


For the past two years, “creative” has been the most used buzzword on LinkedIn profiles. It’s not much of a surprise, because today’s employers are on the hunt for the people who can solve problems in the most creative manner possible. And students are starting to realize that to compete in our fast-paced world, they’re going to need to bring some major creativity to the table. That’s why the concept of creativity is actually becoming an academic discipline at more and more higher-ed institutions around the country.

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The New York Times took a look at how creativity is now being framed as a teachable skill—right alongside math, science and writing. Creative studies is now found on course lists, and it’s even available as a minor and a master’s degree. (Yep, Ph.D. coming soon!) Even nursing, law and public safety students are taking advantage of creative thinking minors to arm themselves with tools to come up with non-traditional solutions to problems they’ll face when they begin their careers.


Obviously, there’s no need to wait until college to start focusing on creative thinking. The Times also offered up a slideshow chock-full of great examples of student creativity in action. (Perfect to share with TXGU students to keep the creative inspiration flowing!)

Images courtesy The New York Times.

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