The Danger Zone


Can you remember a time back before smartphones and gaming consoles kept kids cooped up inside? Maybe you can recall your own childhood summers when your parents would let you run around the neighborhood or in your backyard until the sun went down for dinner. As we all know, times have changed. But how do we hold on to those magical days in our hearts—and invite kids to experience some of that, as well?

This guy has found a place to start with his summer camp called Tinkering School. The premise? Children playing with power tools. Okay, okay, maybe you don’t need to host a workshop on building things with a saw, but what are some ways you can dare your TXGU students to take smart, calculated risks towards an exciting future? Listen to Gever Tulley talk with NPR about the creative benefits he’s found in encouraging kids to live more dangerously.

(Of course, feel free to insert your own “danger is my middle name” joke here.)
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