Time for a TELL-All


Once upon a time, House Bill 2012 was passed requiring the Texas Education Agency to conduct a survey that gauges teaching and learning conditions all over the state. The result? TELL. Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning—an easy, online survey given to teachers, principals, and any other professional educators working at a school. Since its release, the survey results have been trickling in, and you can check out the specifics to see the districts and schools you’re curious about. In the meantime, here are a few highlights to get you started (courtesy of TEA):

  • 96 percent agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: The curriculum taught in this school is aligned with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.
  • 92 percent agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: Teachers believe what is taught will make a difference in students’ lives.
  • 92 percent agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: Teachers require students to work hard.
  • 88 percent agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: Teachers are encouraged to try new things to improve instruction.
  • 63 percent agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: Teachers are allowed to focus on educating students with minimal interruptions.
  • 61 percent agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: The non-instructional time provided for teachers in my school is sufficient.
  • 60 percent agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: Teachers have sufficient instructional time to meet the needs of all students.
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