Hello, GEAR UP Week!

We’ve been talking about National GEAR UP Week for months now, and it has finally come to us in all its exciting, awareness-raising glory. Stakeholders all over the country are tapping into their creativity to shout from the rooftops all that GEAR UP is doing to prepare students for college and career success.

So the grand question is: What are YOU up to? Rally everyone you know and use some of these ideas (as well as your own awesome thoughts) to let your community know what GEAR UP is about and how they can get involved. NCEEP is also here to help with all the inspiration, resources, and answers you might need about how to do GEAR UP Week with not just a bang, but also a boom and a pow. Remember: If you’ve got your own brilliant ideas, share the wealth and let us know about them! We’re all in this together—and we all love to be inspired.

Happy GEAR UP Week to everyone!

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