On the Same Page

Discovering new ways to prepare our TXGU’ers for college can be a challenge. If you can create an event that brings kids together as a group to develop the skills they need, you’re on to something special. And that is precisely what's happening with the book club started by ESC Region 12 College Link. What began as a small idea has blossomed and doubled in size due to popular demand.

One TXGU facilitator built the program with the idea to share her love for reading with students. Not surprisingly, the school library was happy to help. And after some promotion via morning announcements and sign-up tables, the club was off and running. The book club has created a unique dialogue among advisors and participants, where ideas and opinions are shared on common ground. Endeavors like these make all the difference in making college prep both meaningful and fun. (Not to mention all the amazing books you get to dive into.) Head over to the Toolbox for the latest “Texas GEAR UP in Action” video to see how this group of bookworms is making sure their story is a bestseller.

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