Time for a Change

Educators, you’re well aware of the constantly shrinking attention span of our kids. It’s a real challenge getting students to not only concentrate on working, but also to concentrate on concentrating. The solution to this dilemma may be as simple as using a tomato-shaped device to get them dialed in for short, controlled bursts of productivity. Studies show that the Pomodoro Method provides a great way to divide an hour into a period of intense focus followed by a short break. This technique has been used to great success in the corporate world, and some educators are tweaking it a bit to engage their students.

Of course, there is a bit of prep work to be done prior to launching this approach. The task, amount of time for the task, and the duration of the break all need to be defined and communicated. Once that’s done, start the timer and have your kids work with a laser-like attentiveness on the assignment. When the break time hits, they're free to relax and take the time they need to recharge. When the bell goes off again, it’s back to the grindstone. Feel free to give this a shot with your TXGU’ers and see if the tomato produces some fruitful results.

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