Game Changer

As a TXGU educator, you're going to run into countless different types of students. You'll get the myopic ones whose eyes need opening, the lone-wolf types who need help with the fact that they need help, and—as with this "How I Got Here" video's focus—the ones who have many different budding talents and no idea which one to pursue. We know they're somewhere in your cohort, there's always a few in every bunch. But what do you tell them when they start beating themselves up over their indecision? Your jack-of-all-hobbies kids are more than aware of how much a college education could potentially cost, and you can bet that they're worried about spending more time and money on changing their minds midway. Luckily for them, and for you, we've got Alex to show them the way. 

As a kid with a love for cinema and art, Alex was already facing down a few different paths to happiness—but getting multiple degrees wasn't exactly financially sound. After weighing his wallet-related options, he was able to land on a winning decision—finish core classes at a smaller name school, and transfer into elite programs at a larger school later. Not a bad plan, especially since he realized as a film major that he needed to flip the script and get with the gaming industry.  Once Alex started to make his move, he was already in the perfect place to change paths, and was eventually able to settle on earning a degree in video game design. Now he's living the dream working at an video game mega-company in Austin. Not bad for a so-called flip-flopper. 

The important thing to keep in your students' minds? There's more than one way to find the perfect college experience that'll enable you to follow your dream. (Sounds a lot better than that metaphor with all those poor cats anyway.) Check out the Educator Toolbox for some extra learning tools and a student-friendly version of Alex's story. We just love seeing you get them to the next level. 

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