Keeping Tech in Check


These days, it seems virtually impossible to hide from the virtual world. It’s totally normal and quite simple to stay connected at all times via text, email, and social media. Even when we’re away from our smartphone, we’re not—using them for anything from directions to alarm clocks. These little rectangles are full of information and bring you closer to friends, family, and people all around the globe. We can all agree that it’s pretty incredible. But what are some other social impacts to consider as we become more reliant on digital communication instead of face-to-face interaction? Moreover, what are some ways technology is altering the art of conversation and personal expression (especially for the younger generation)? 

Watch psychologist Sherry Turkle’s TEDTalk discussing her research on the reliance on digital connectedness and how it affects our ability to be alone. As TXGU students become more dependent on all of these new ways the world communicates, how do we ensure they’re still able to hold valuable conversation, connect with college and career recruiters, and build meaningful relationships?

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